Mwebaza Infant School!

What a busy day teaching and learning at Niwot Elementary’s sister school, Mwebaza Infant! These kiddos loved the books we read and the identity projects they created! We will bring them back to Colorado to share with you in a couple of weeks! Notice the size of Baby Class. We counted 64 three and four year olds! That was busy! In another class, two of the teachers did the project , as well. They had a blast drawing themselves and sharing with the class. On to Mwebaza Annex, Eagle Crest’s sister school next!!

18 thoughts on “Mwebaza Infant School!

  1. Sudbeck 4th

    I hope that are sister school will git a bunch of money 💰 so you can live a happier life and sister school don’t forget to take care of your self you friends you family and your animals.


    1. Hillari Hansen

      Good Morning Mrs. Sudbeck’s Class. Isn’t it great that all students and children can live happy lives! The kids at Mwebaza Annex sure are happy to be back at school and with their friends. We love our partnership with all our schools in Uganda and we all enjoy learning about each other and exchanging Pen Pal projects. The students at the Annex really enjoyed all of your portraits. The Mwebaza Foundation works in partnership with the Uganda communities to support each other and continue a great friendship. The Mwebaza Annex community is excited about getting to the bore hole well soon so they can have access to fresh water right on the school grounds. Thanks!


    1. Thank you for that advice. One of my colleagues had a face-to-face encounter with a water buffalo and had to take precautions to not get charged. I will tell you more when I get back.


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